Snack Machines

The AMS 35 Snack Machine comes with “SENSIT” technology to guarantee delivery after purchase. These machines have the option to be chilled to keep your chocolate items fresh and prevent melting. Like most AMS machines, the AMS can fit into small or large areas.
- Up to 32 selections
- Sensit technology
- State-of-the-art electronics
- LED Lighting
- EnergySensit cost-saver
- Available refrigeration
- Made in USA
- 72″H x 35″W x 35″D

AMS Slim Gel
The AMS Slim Gel is perfect for getting a vending option in places you normally wouldn’t be able to fit a vending machine. If you have a small break room or small waiting room this is the machine for you.
- Up to 24 selections
- Sensit technology
- State-of-the-art electronics
- LED Lighting
- EnergySensit cost-saver
- Available refrigeration
- Made in USA
- 72″H x 28.5″W x 29.5″D

National 167
The National 167 is one of the workhorse machines in the industry. With a 5-wide snack area, it is one of the largest machines you can use. This machine is good for larger areas that will require a large inventory.
- Up to 40 selections
- Heavy duty welded steel
- Six Product Trays
- High impact shatter proof window
- 72″H x 40″W x 35.5″D

AMS Outsider
The AMS Outsider is a snack machine meant to be left outdoors. With upgraded security features, this is the type of vending machine that would work best in parks, rest areas, swimming pools, car washes, baseball fields, and schools. **Placement of this machine will require a signed contract for minimum of 18 months**
- Up to 40 selections
- Available in snack, drink, or snack/drink combo
- Sensit technology
- Heavy gauge steel vandal panels
- High security lock cover
- State-of-the-art electronics
- LED Lighting
- Triple=pane heated glass protected by a layer of Lexan
- EnergySensit cost-saver
- 72″H x 39″W x 35″D